Scientific Program Subcommittee
Charles Beaudry - Co-Chair
Board of Directors - PDAC
Charles Beaudry is a seasoned mining executive with over 40 years of experience in project generation, business development, and international project management. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from University of Ottawa (1979) and a Masters degree from McGill University (1983).
Charles is a Professional Geoscientist and permitted to work in Ontario (PGeo) and Quebec (géo). He has been involved in a number of deposit discoveries during his carreer and worked with Noranda/ Falconbridge (now Glencore) from 1989 to 2006 and worked overseas in Brazil (country manager 1996-2001) and Papua New Guinea (2004-05). In 2008-2009 he was General Manager for Iamgold Inc. and from 2010 to 2013 he was founding President of Xmet Inc., outlining a 850,000 ounce gold deposit in the Abitibi greenstone belt.
Charles is currently VP Exploration for QC Copper and Gold Inc. and just published a 100MT copper-gold open pit deposit in Chapais, Quebec.
Jerry Demorcy - Co-Chair
Social Media, Communications and Marketing Subcommittee
Mount Royal University
Jerry is an enthusiastic geoscientist and a member of the International Venus Research Group (IVRG). He advocates for community engagement and volunteerism, fostering collaboration among geoscientists across Canada and globally.
Jerry is a dedicated adventurer, nature lover, and marathon runner, who is excited to contribute to the International Geoscience Conference with a passion for education, research, and exploration.
Murdoch McKinnon - Co-Chair
University of Waterloo
Murdoch McKinnon is completing his PhD in Geography at the University of Waterloo. His research is focused on the restoration of ecosystem function in wetlands disturbed by industrial development. He seeks to improve our understanding of environmental controls on vegetation re-establishment in support of developing novel restoration strategies.
Tânia Martins - Co-Chair
Field Trip Subcommittee Co-Chair
Manitoba Geological Survey
Tânia Martins obtained her PhD in Geology in 2009 from the University of Porto (Portugal) studying Li-Sn-Nb-Ta mineralization in granitic pegmatites.
In 2010 and 2011 Tânia worked at the University of Manitoba, Canada, on the mineralogy of alkaline rocks and carbonatites.
Tânia joined the Manitoba Geological Survey in November 2011 and has since May 2023, been Chief Geologist for the Precambrian Geoscience section.
Ben Daniels
Mount Royal University
Benjamin G. Daniels is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Mount Royal University. He is interested in numerous topics in geoscience, including sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, basin analysis, and hydrogeology.
Brian Smerdon
University of Alberta / President CNC IAH
Brian is a Research Associate and Instructor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta. His work focuses on discovering and sharing the story of groundwater through a blend of isotopic, geochemical, numerical modelling, and physical hydrogeology techniques. He is the current president of the International Association of Hydrogeologists - Canadian National Chapter (IAH-CNC).
Charles Henderson
Scientific Program and Field Trip Subcommittees
University of Calgary
Charles Henderson has a BSc and MSc from the University of British Columbia and PhD from the University of Calgary.
He worked for Esso Resources following his MSc and is currently a Professor at the University of Calgary since 1989. He was head of the department from 2012 to 2015.
His research focuses primarily on refinement of the International Time Scale for the Permian System and the Permian-Triassic boundary interval. He has conducted this research on six continents, but especially in Arctic Canada, western Canada, western USA and South China. Recognition of his research career on conodont biostratigraphy, evolution and paleobiology culminated with the award of the Pander Medal in 2024.
Previously he chaired the XIV International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian (ICCP) in 1999 and the 2nd International Conodont Symposium (ICOS) in 2009 at the University of Calgary. He is a past-Chair of the Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy (SPS) and incoming Secretary-General of the International Commission on Stratigraphy. He is a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society and the Geological Society of America.
Cherisse Du Preez
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Chris Herd
University of Alberta
Craig Scott
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Craig Scott is the Director of Preservation & Research at the Tyrrell Museum. He is a vertebrate palaeontologist that specializes in mammals from the Late Cretaceous and early Palaeogene of western Canada.
Cynthia Devere-Bennett
Ducks Unlimited Canada
Cynthia is a geoscientist and conservationist who blends her industry background in the energy sector with a focus on safeguarding Canadian watersheds and ecosystems. With a cross-disciplinary outlook, she facilitates industry engagement in protecting and enhancing biodiversity, sensitive ecosystem preservation, watershed protection, and nature-based carbon sequestration solutions.
David Eaton
IGC Foundation Board; Scientific Program and Partnership Subcommittees
University of Calgary
Professor David Eaton was appointed 2015-2020 as NSERC/Chevron Industrial Research Chair in Microseismic System Dynamics in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Calgary. Together with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, his work focuses primarily on advancement of research, education and technological innovations in microseismic methods and their practical applications for resource development, with a secondary focus on the deep lithospheric structure of continents. In 2007, he rejoined the University of Calgary as Head of the Department of Geoscience, after an 11-year academic career at the University of Western Ontario. His postdoctoral research experience included work at Arco’s Research and Technical Services (Plano, Texas) and the Geological Survey of Canada (Ottawa). He has recently published a textbook on Passive Seismic Monitoring of Induced Seismicity. His work has been recognized by several major awards including the J. Tuzo Wilson medal from the Canadian Geophysical Union and a 2020 NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation.
David Feghali
Council for Geoscience
David is a bachelor in geological engineering with an emphasis on geotechnics, and graduated from Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal in 2007. He has since then spent 17 years in the consulting industry, with experiences and projects spanning across Canada and internationally. David has had the opportunity to participate in various small scale to big scale projects in both mining and civil engineering. In recent years, David was heavily involved in the geotechnical design and construction support for the Centre Block Rehabilitation project in Ottawa.
David is currently the Group Manager for Ground Engineering on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and is an accredited engineer in British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario.
Hafida El Bilali
Carleton University
James Head
Brown University
Jennifer Cuthbertson
University of Calgary
Jennifer Galloway
Geological Survey of Canada / Natural Resources Canada
Jessica Pilarczyk
Simon Fraser University
Julia Shustova
University of Calgary
Justin (Chima) Ezekiel
University of Calgary
Katherine Boggs
IGC2028 NOC Co-Chair
Mount Royal University
Katherine is fascinated by the processes that form the “Earth beneath our feet”. She is the Director for the Community Science Liaison program that strives to embed place- and curriculum-based citizen science programs in Canadian kindergarten to grade 12 classrooms. Teachers appreciate these projects because they bring the real world into their classrooms, students feel empowered because they contribute towards improved understanding of their scientific-environmental backyards and scientists get rejuvenated passions for their disciplines through these student’s enthusiasm and energetic approaches to these programs.
Katherine is also a very passionate promoter of the geosciences and has just recently developed a model to change the general public perception of the geosciences through national and international collaborations across these geoscience communities represented by various components of this Canadian bid to host IGC 2028.
In addition to being the Chair for the CNC – IUGS and the International Director for the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences; Katherine developed significant management, leadership and communication skills through her 33 years in the Royal Canadian Naval Reserves (RCNR) where she was awarded the Queen’s Jubilee medal for her combined service to the RCNR and the geoscience academic community.
Kelsey MacCormack
Alberta Geological Survey / Alberta Energy Regulator
Mana Rahimi
University of British Columbia
Martin Scherwath
Ocean Networks Canada, University of Victoria
Martin is a Senior Staff Scientist at Ocean Networks Canada and an Assistant Adjunct Professor at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria. He earned a Ph.D. in Geophysics from Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington and holds an M.Sc. in Exploration Geophysics from Leeds University. His current fields of work are gas hydrates, seafloor dynamics and geological storage of CO2.
Peter Bobrowsky
Emeritus GSC
Peter Bobrowsky is an Engineering Geologist interested in Quaternary studies primarily related to landslides and paleotsunamis, as well as geoethics, medical geology, aggregate research and paleoenvironmental studies. Former President of CANQUA, the International Consortium on Landslides and the Geological Association of Canada and Secretary General of the International Union of Geological Sciences. His vitae includes almost 500 technical publications and work experience across the globe (Canada, China, Europe, India, Africa, South America, etc.).
Peter was part of the IGC 2012 Bid Committee.
Peter Hollings
Lakehead University / Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining & Exploration
Pezhvak Didar
AGAT Laboratories
Richard Ernst
Ernst Geosciences
Stephen Jeans
Ambrose University / University of Calgary / Mount Royal University
Dr. Jeans is our Ambrose University (Calgary) representative from the Council of Chairs of Canadian Earth Science Departments to the International Geological Congress Canadian Bid Development Committee. He is an instructor of Earth and Space Sciences who also teaches for Mount Royal University, develops curriculum, edits textbooks, seasonally works in the oil and gas sectors of downtown Calgary, along with conducting free public outreach and geoscience fieldtrips and education events.
Steve Grasby
Scientific Program and Field Trip Subcommittees
Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada / Vice President, Geothermal Canada
Steve is a geochemist whose research focuses of geothermal energy as a source of clean an renewable energy to meet demands in Canada. He also works on extreme environments from the modern through to ancient earth history. His work includes study of drivers of mass extinctions and other hyperthermal events throughout the Phanerozoic.
To see who was on the IGC Scientific Subcommittee for the bid, click here. Thank you all for your support and the role you played in helping Canada win the bid to host IGC in 2028.