Scientific Program Subcommittee
Charles Beaudry
Scientific Program Subcommittee Co-Chair, PDAC
Jerry Demorcy
Scientific Program Subcommittee Co-Chair, Mount Royal University
Murdoch McKinnon
Scientific Program Subcommittee Co-Chair, University of Waterloo
Tânia Martins
Scientific Program and Field Trip Subcommittees Co-Chair, Manitoba Geological Survey
Ben Daniels
Mount Royal University
Brian Smerdon
University of Alberta
Charles Henderson
University of Calgary
Cherisse Du Preez
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Chris Herd
University of Alberta
Craig Scott
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Cynthia Devere-Bennett
Ducks Unlimited
David Eaton
IGC Foundation Board; University of Calgary
David Feghali
Hafida El Bilali
Carleton University
James Head
Brown University
Jennifer Cuthbertson
University of Calgary
Jennifer Galloway
Geological Survey of Canada / Natural Resources Canada
Jessica Pilarczyk
Simon Fraser University
Julia Shustova
University of Calgary
Justin (Chima) Ezekiel
University of Calgary
Katherine Boggs
IGC2028 NOC Co-Chair, Mount Royal University
Kelsey MacCormack
Alberta Geological Survey / Alberta Energy Regulator
Mana Rahimi
University of British Columbia
Martin Scherwath
Ocean Networks Canada, University of Victoria
Peter Bobrowsky
Emeritus GSC
Peter Hollings
Lakehead University / Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining & Exploration
Pezhvak Didar
AGAT Laboratories
Richard Ernst
Ernst Geosciences
Stephen Jeans
Ambrose University / University of Calgary / Mount Royal University
Steve Grasby
Geothermal Canada, GSC
To see who was on the IGC Scientific Subcommittee for the bid, click here. Thank you all for your support and the role you played in helping Canada win the bid to host IGC in 2028.